2nd Transnational Meeting in Lithuania


MATH project coordinator Dr. Davut Atış welcomes the consortium partners and explains the agenda

The second transnational project meeting of the MATH project took place between 15th-19th of November 2021 in Vilnius, Lithuania. The meeting was planned and organised by the host organization VšĮ Robotikos mokykla (Robotikos School).

We are now fully engaged in the development of the project. The main aims of the meeting were:

  1. Determining the content related to distance mathematics teaching to deaf and hearing impaired students.
  2. Creating the common curriculum for mathematics education to be used in the project.
  3. Determining the approaches, methods and techniques to be used for teaching Mathematics online.

First Day

On the first day of the mobility, We did a review of the mathematics curriculum in Romania and Turkey, and we determined the content of distance mathematics education for deaf and hearing impaired students, i.e. we looked for an answer to the question what and how.

The presentation of our Turkish partners included a sample video lesson, which you can watch here:

Second Day

On the second day, we continued to review the mathematics curricula, this time from Slovenia, Spain and Latvia. We discussed in depth about the visual composition of the video for deaf and hearing impaired children taking into account their needs. On this point, we have continued working after the meeting and our partner CNSE Foundation elaborated a document with some Recommendations and Considerations for the Design of the Learning Contents that you can download here.

Work in progress! Sometimes, paper helps us to work on our thoughts

Third Day

We end the review of mathematics curricula with Lithuania and Italy. We continue to discuss the content of mathematics lessons. In the afternoon, our partner Mindaugas, from Robotikos School, provided us with a city guided tour and at the Palace of the Grand Dukes of Lithuania.

We were also able to visit the Vilnius Antakalnis Children's Social Care Home (Vilniaus Antakalnio Vaikų Socialinės Globos Namai), a reference school in Lithuania, where they do high quality work with deaf children, even producing their own didactic and educational materials for the deaf.

Welcome and presentation of the Headmistress of the Vilnius Antakalnis Children's Social Care Home

Fourth Day

The meeting moves to Trakai, a historic city in Lithuania. The main point discussed at the meeting was the characteristics, structure and organisation of distance mathematics lessons. It was hard work! But we were also able to relax by visiting the amazing Trakai Island Castle.

Discussing about he structure and organization of distance mathematics lessons, in Trakai

Fifth Day

We compiled the large amount of information handled in previous days and, as has become traditional, certificates of attendance were distributed.

MATH Team with their certificates of attendance